5 Best Kukri Machete (To Cut, Chop, Butcher, Protect)

Some knives are made to be used in the kitchen, some knives are made for combat, and some knives made to be used for hunting and life outdoors.

But one of the only knives that was designed to do all of those things and adapt to any and every situation that you’ll ever find yourself in is the Kukri.

Popularised by shows like ‘Forged In Fire’, and fifty years of being ever-present in action and adventure movies, the Kukri has been the knife of choice for the infamously deadly Gurkha regiment since it was first formed in the early nineteenth century.

It’s an all-purpose knife that’s earned its formidable reputation a thousand times over and in the right hands can be used to accomplish the impossible.

Whatever you need a knife for, be it hunting, fishing, life outdoors, or self-defense, the kukri is the perfect blade for the job.

It isn’t a machete to be taken lightly though, as it’s a dangerous and hardy tool that was initially made to be a weapon.

But if you’re looking to spend more time in the wilderness or need a machete that will help you to rise to the challenge if you ever need to bug out and head to the hills, then the kukri is the only one that you’ll ever need.

That’s why we’ve put together a list of the best kukri’s that you can add to your arsenal and arm yourself with so that if the worst ever does happen, you’ll have a knife at your side that you’ll always be able to depend on, no matter what.

It’s time to sharpen your blade skills

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KA-BAR 2-1249-9 Kukri,Black

Ka-Bar doesn’t need an introduction.

Known throughout the world for creating one of the most widely recognized knives in the history of blade-making.

The Ka-Bar combat knife that was adopted by the Marine Corps in nineteen forty-two.

This New York based company know how to make the sort of steel that you can both depend on and entrust your life to. 

Measuring seventeen inches long with an eleven and half-inch carbon steel blade.

The Ka-Bar Kukri has an ergonomically shaped, thermoplastic elastomer handle with a non-slip grip that’s been engineered to feel comfortable and secure in your hand while you’re swinging it.

Weighing just one and a half pounds, the Ka-Bar is light, tough, and strong.

And has been field-tested to distraction by the company that made it in any and every environment that it could possibly be used in.

Ka-Bar pushed this machete to the limits of what it could do so that you can wield it with confidence and be safe in the knowledge that when you need it, it will never let you down. 

Supplied with a leather sheath that can either be attached to your belt or fasten to your leg (depending on how you like to wear it), Ka-Bar’s Kukri is equally at home in the wilderness as it is in any urban environment.

Although, if you do decide to wear it in your hometown, expect the odd stare or the occasional conversation with law enforcement, as this machete is a heading turning monster of a knife.


  • Every Ka-Bar knife is made to be used straight out of the box.

  • Has been engineered to be sharp enough to slice, dice, and cut anything and everything that you’ll want it to. And the Kukri is no different.

  • As Ka-Bar has tested the kukri to the point of destruction in all of the wilds and wildernesses dotted across the United States, it’s an ideal blade for survivalists and preppers.
  • And as it’s forged from carbon steel, it’s almost impossible to break or damage the blade.
  • You can swing it as hard as you can at anything in your way, and this blade will happily take everything that you can throw at it and it’ll be ready to go again whenever you need it to be.


  • Some users have reported that the edge can chip and develop rolls if the brush and woodland that’s used to clear is too thick.
  • While the carbon steel of the blade is incredibly durable, the edge could probably benefit from some additional hardening.

  • The sheath that the kukri uses isn’t as hardy as the blade is and can start to split at the edges, which seems a little odd given Ka-Bar’s sterling reputation for consistent quality. 


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Adhering to the mantra “Your own custom kukri”, EGKH are the masters of the art of kukri manufacture.

They have been supplying the British Army and their Gurkha regiments with their kukri since they first fired up a forge and started making blades.

Founded by ex-Gurkha’s and based in Nepal, EGKH has been designing and engineering their knives the traditional Nepalese way since day one.

And will continue to do so for as long as their forges are hot and their devoted team of Bishwakarmas (born kukri makers) pound the metal their knives are made from. 

This sixteen and a half-inch long kukri has a ten and half-inch blade made from the same polished steel that is used to make car and truck leaf springs and has a five and a half-inch buffalo horn handle.

Designed for war and built to handle the stresses and strains of everyday usage, this kukri was created with longevity in mind and is the knife that the soldiers who made the blade famous use every single day of their operational lives. 

Each and every kukri made by EGKH comes with two pouches in its cotton covered, buffalo leather scabbard.

The first houses a ‘chalmak’, which is a small blunted steel blade that’s used to sharpen the blade and create the sparks that can be used to start a fire when struck with a piece of flint.

And the second is home another short blade called a ‘karda’ that is traditionally used to skin small animals like rabbits when hunting.

Tradition lies at the heart of everything that EGKH does, and this kukri is designed to conform to all of the time-honored Gurkha conventions and continue their historical legacy. 



  • It’s a weapon of war that needs to be treated with respect and maintained properly.
  • If you clean and care for the blade it’ll never let you down, but if you don’t it’ll fall victim to the machinations of time and usage.

  • Hand made and built to an exacting standard, as well as being an incredible knife, it’s also incredibly expensive.
  • You’ll pay a lot more for this kukri than you’re probably happy to, but it’s worth it to be able to wield the same knife that the Gurkha’s do. 


Schrade Delta Class Decimate Kukri Machete with Stainless Steel Blade for Outdoor Survival

Founded at the end of the nineteenth century when George Schrade registered his patent for and began making, press button switchblades, Schrade has a lot of knife making history under its collective belt.

They’ve weathered all of the storms that the last one hundred and thirty years have whipped up and while other knife makers have come and gone, Schrade has remained steadfast and true. 

With a thirteen and half-inch blade made from powder coated stainless steel and a six and a half-inch handle fitted with a safety grip, this kukri was forged to cut through, slice, and chop anything in your path.

Furnished with a polyester sheath that has a removable shoulder pouch and strap, a leg strap, and a belt loop, however, you like to wear your knife, this kukri has it covered.

It also comes equipped with a Ferro rod, sharpening stone, and a lanyard hole, so that you’ll always be ready to face whatever you have to, whenever you have to. 

Schrade takes great pride in creating trustworthy knives that’ll keep you focused and sharp during all of your outdoor adventures.

When you’re in a bind and a tough spot, this Schrade kukri is the only companion that you’ll need at your side.

And when everything else goes to hell in a handcart, at least you’ll be able to rely on your Schrade. 


  • Forged with all of the knowledge and precision that comes with one hundred and thirty years of knife making experience this stainless steel kukri is designed to be light (it weighs just over two pounds), strong and durable.
  • Perfect for the outdoors and all sorts of wild adventures, it’s been made to provide you with a lifetime of dependable service.

  • It’s tougher than tough polyester scabbard comes with shoulder and leg straps, so you’ll be able to wear your kukri the way you want to instead of the way the blade maker wants you to. 

  • And Schrade also supplies a sharpening stone with the blade, so you’ll be able to keep as sharp as it was when it left Schrade’s forges. 


  • A number of previously devoted Schrade fanatics have reported that this kukri is beset by manufacturing problems with the grain of a particular batch of steel and that all of the defective kukris could be traced back to that. 


Condor Tool & Knife, Heavy Duty Kukri Knife, 10in Blade, Hardwood Handle with Sheath

Condor can trace its roots all the way back to eighteenth century Germany, and in particular, the town of Solinger,

Which became famous all over the world for the quality of swords, military knives, and household cutlery that were made in its forges.

After numerous makeovers and name changes, they finally rebranded as Condor Tools and Knives in two thousand and four.

And while the name might be relatively new, the skill set that they use to make their blades is hundreds of years old. 

The ten-inch blade in this kukri is fashioned from high carbon steel and the five-inch handle is made from precision carved hardwood.

Making it durable, strong, and made to go the distance.

Bestowed with a leather sheath by Condor, it was forged to deal with any environment and made to cope with any, and all, adversity that you might, and almost certainly will, encounter in your daily life. 

Weighing just under two pounds, Condor’s kukri is designed to be light and to swing easily and well in your hand.

And while some users aren’t sold on the wooden handle and prefer something with a little more grip, the more traditional look and feel of this blade has an aesthetic appeal that’s hard to ignore, or beat.

And the fact that it can take a pounding and keep on swinging, makes it even more desirable. 


  • Not as long or as cumbersome as some other Kukri’s, the Condor’s lack of length imbues it with a versatility and adaptability that a lot of other kukris lack. It really is a blade for all seasons. 

  • Made from high carbon steel, it’s been designed and engineered to function well in every, and any environment

  • Whether you’re hacking down trees or skinning and gutting your latest catch, you’ll be amazed by the way Condor’s kukri performs.


  • As we mentioned earlier, not everyone is a fan of the handle and some people have resorted to adding extra grips to it.

  • And as it’s a traditional kukri that’s made the old way, it’s also more expensive than a lot of its longer counterparts. Precision craftsmanship takes time, and unfortunately, costs a lot more. 


Smith & Wesson Outback SWBH 17in Full Tang Kukri with an 11.9in Stainless Steel Blade and Rubber Handle for Outdoor, Tactical, Survival and EDC

Not a name that we’d usually associate with edged weaponry and tools, Smith & Wesson at some point in their not so recent history decided to expand their remit and move into the manufacture of knives as well as firearms. 

And like everything they do, they did so with an incredible degree of care and dedication, which ensured that every knife that they make is forged to their incredibly high standards. 

This seventeen-inch kukri has a twelve-inch stainless steel blade and a five-inch, rubberized steel handle.

The convenient nylon belt sheath and additional shoulder strap have been designed to grant quick and easy access to the lightweight blade that weighs just one and a half pounds.

Which means that you’ll always be prepared and rarely caught unaware when you’re out in the wild and the only thing standing between you and an ignominious fate is Smith & Wesson’s Outback. 

Tried, tested, and true, this incredibly affordable kukri from one of America’s most well-established weapon makers.

This is made by American craftsman and has been given an all American seal of approval.

It’s a machete that’s made to work harder so that you don’t have to. 


  • Crafted from stainless steel, this kukri has been made to be durable and dependable, which is exactly what you’d expect from any product bearing the Smith & Wesson name.
  • It’s also incredibly affordable, and while that’s almost certainly a by-product of the fact that Smith & Wesson have incredible resources that they can bring to bear, it also means that it’s within the reach of everyone’s budget. 

  • It’s an American made Kukri that’s been made in America by an American institution. If that doesn’t inspire a little faith in this machete, then nothing will. 


  • Smith & Wesson’s blades were haunted by tempering problems for a while which led them to breaking while they were being used.

  • But following a slew of complaints, the company rolled its sleeves up and fixed the issue.

  • Hopefully, that means that no more blades will snap in the future, but it’s something worth thinking about if you’re considering investing in this kukri.

Best Kukri Machete Buying Guide

Which Kukri Is The Right One For Me? 

As all of the kukris on our list have designed, engineered, and forged to do exactly the same thing, the only thing that separates them is their affordability.

This means that the best way to ascertain which kukri is the right one for you is by setting a realistic budget, sticking to it rigidly, and reading through the list again.

 When you do, you’ll immediately know which blade is the right one for you. 

That said if your choice were left up to us, as we’re both sticklers for tradition and believe that if we’re given the option, we should always invest in American-made products, we’d advise that you arm yourself with either an EGKH or Smith & Wesson kukri.

And as they lie at the opposite ends of the budgetary scale, your choice of kukri was just made a lot easier. 

Frequently Asked Questions

What Is A Kukri? 

The kukri is a machete that was originally developed in India and is most commonly associated with Nepal and the Gurkha regiment who serve as part of the British army.

Forged with a distinctive recurve, it is used as both a combat weapon and a cutting tool through Asia and India. 

The national weapon of Nepal, the kukri is the basic utility knife of both the Gurkha regiment and the Nepalese armed forces.

The subject of a popular myth that states that if it is drawn, the kukri may not be re-sheathed until it has drawn blood (which isn’t true, and was used as a propaganda tool to spread fear among any forces that the Gurkha’s were set to face), the kukri is a knife that is as fearsome as it is famous. 

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