
Welcome to Disaster Shelters, where you’ll find how to information, tips, product reviews and guides on everything prepper and survival so that you can keep yourself and your family safe.

As you are aware…

It’s an uncertain world out there filled with unpredictability, crime, economic disasters, Government ineptitude, viruses, pandemics and probably much more to come.

COVID-19 and the current war in Ukraine are only further proof that you need to be as prepared as possible for what’s to come next. Do not let your guard down.

So preparing for these events can no longer be classed as “paranoia” because we’ve seen each and everyone of these events play out in recent years, haven’t we?

Which is why if you’re not prepared for some of the unfortune situations the world is throwing at you now, and will continue to throw at you in the future, then you and your family are at risk. And sure…

You could scour the net looking at dozens (if not 100’s) of different prepper sites, survival blogs, Youtube channels, and social media platforms to get all this advice or you could just find all the advice you need here instead.

So here’s what I propose…

Become prepared as you possible can, without having to devote your life or becoming obsessed by it, by mastering the fundamental and essential prepper and survivalist skills available for free on the site.

My aim is to cover all of these necessary skills, tips, and advice on this site including…

So you can be prepared, stay safe, and not only “survive”…but actually thrive!